Hi there lovelies!!
It’s been ages since my last post. So sorry you guys. Been hella busy with work that I forgot my social life died and for that I apologize.
Anyhoo, i’m back in the game! I re-discovered my love for fashion and all the glitter that comes with it. J
Last Saturday, I went out with my college friends whom I haven’t seen for a year and a half I think! Goodness gravy its been that long!? Considering back when we we’re still in school we we’re inseperable! Literally, every single day we we’re out and about doing crazy things. Oh I miss college days. K Okay, I’m rambling nonsense things. Back to the story, it was Jordan & James’ birthday so I took that as an opportunity to organize a get together with the SUPERS.
VENUE: Distillery, Jupiter (still on earth, hehe)
TIME: 9PM sharp
Yes, they we’re late. But who cares!! Almost everyone came! Once the vodka was opened there was no turning back! Absolut Ruby Red, Raspberry & Tequila we’re the chosen ones. And the rest was history.
I’ll let the photos speak for themselves. J Oh and yes I’m currently obsessed with cherry red lips.

i'm currently loving rouge lips too! great dress and bag!