You how much I love a bargain right? Well, who doesn't??
Anyway, last friday I went to the store to check on my new arrivals and also to scout for nice shoes. I've been craving for new shoes since the start of Feb but never really got the chance to buy one.
As i was looking around the brands that I handle, our Inventory Specialist suddenly blurted out that the shoe that i have been eyeing on is still there and that the customer who reserved it never claimed them. So you can imagine the shock on my face when I heard her say that. :D
I told her to bring it out so I could try them on. Lo and behold, it fits me. Okay, okay, it's a bit snug but what the heck! I checked on the price and saw that it was on super sale! From Php 13,500, it went down to Php 2,000!! Right there and then I said "I'll take it!!".
But there's more.. When the cashier punched the code in the system, guess what?? It was marked down to a whopping Php 1,350!!!! STEAL!!! The smile on my face was priceless. :) These are just some of the perks when you work in Retail.
So without further ado.. I present you my lovely L.A.M.B. Gracianna Patent Platforms. :)
L.A.M.B. Gracianna
I'm in love. :)