Woke up today refreshed and ready to kill it. Had a big breakfast with coffee (explains why im still up). Goal for the day: 1. Buy art stuff for work 2. Cut my bangs 3. Go to photoshoot.
Check. Check. Check.
Art stuff taken care of by Yaya Crish. Thank God for helpers yah? I love her to death! Then before taking a shower i spent 30 freakin mins cutting my bangs. I had to be precise cause if I make a mistake, il be miserable for weeks. Haha! I learned that one should never cut their bangs or hair for that matter when its wet. Cause our hair shrinks when its wet so if by any chance you decide to cut your bangs wet you'll end up having silly bangs half way up your forehead. So if you dont want that to happen, listen to me. CUT IT DRY. After that grueling 30 mins, VOILA! I lalalalav it! :D
After getting ready I went to my photoshoot appointment at my former school and met up with my SuperFriend A. I asked her to come and help me with the shoot since I needed clothes for it (she’s a designer btw). Its been a while since I last saw her so imagine how excited we were to finally catch up on things. Fast forward. I put on this black dress that A designed for her up & coming clothing line. It was divine. Beautiful craftsmanship. Hands down.
I Put on make up and that’s the start of our crazy shoot. It’s been a while since I had this kind of photoshoot, I was a bit nervous but excited at the same time. A & I saw our old friends PJ & Karlo, who had a class just beside where we were shooting so I was a bit shy to do poses cause they were teasing me and wanted to watch. They were suggesting poses and were screaming FIERCE! The whole time. Haha! Who wouldn’t be embarrassed right? Eventually the left and we continued on with the shoot. Click after click. 4 Outfit changes. It turned out uhmazing. Simple but really really nice.

It went by so fast we were done by 630pm. What to do? Call girlfriends and have dinner with them. A and I called J and met up with her at Rockwell. Ate at Pancake House and chatted like there’s no tomorrow. Went home around 9pm, a bit early cause I have work tomorrow and J has school (she’s a CPA / Law Student).
A very productive day indeed. Till my next fashion adventure.
See you in a bit!